Ceol Cill Na Martra
by Connie O'Connell



1. Forgotten Fling, Her Golden Hair Hung Down In Ring
2. Padraig O'Keeffe's
3. Johnny Cope
4. Dan Cronin's, Fire In Clann Ratha
5. Follow Me Down To Carlow, Padraig O'Keeffe's
6. Apples In Winter
7. Cath Cheim An Fhia/The Cill Na Martra Exile
8. The Blackbird
9. The Clare Reel, The Torn Jacket
10. Biddy The Bold Wife, Farewell To The Corncrake
11. The Magpie's Nest, Green Garters
12. Humours Of Derrykissane, Ride A Mile
13. Trasna Na Dtonnta, Head For The Hills
14. Humours of Dingle/Paidin O Raifeartaigh